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How to Transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive: Verified Methods

How to Transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive: Verified Methods

In the digital workspace, you often need to transfer files across various cloud storage services for enhanced productivity and collaboration. Switching from Dropbox to Google Drive? No worries. I’ve got you covered with some straightforward methods to transfer your files from Dropbox to Google Drive. These cloud storage platforms offer web interfaces and, in addition to this, third-party applications such as CloudMounter can also help facilitate the transfer. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps and tools to effortlessly move your files.


Common Scenarios:

Switching Between Cloud Services

  • Migrating from Dropbox to Google Drive for better integration with Google’s ecosystem
  • Consolidating files to one service for easier management
  • Accessing files across multiple platforms and devices

Collaboration and Sharing

  • Sharing files with users who predominantly use Google Drive
  • Collaborating on documents that require Google’s suite of editing tools

Storage Optimization

  • Google Drive’s competitive pricing and storage options prompting a switch
  • Optimizing storage by moving files no longer actively used on Dropbox

Step-by-Step Guide. How To Transfer Photos From Google Drive To Dropbox:

Method 1: Using Dropbox Web Interface

  • Log into your Dropbox account and select the files or folders you want to transfer
  • Click the ‘…’ (more actions) button and select ‘Download’ to save the files to your computer
  • After downloading, sign in to your Google Drive account and upload the saved files

Note: This method is suitable for small amounts of data as it requires manual downloading and uploading.

Conclusion: This manual method provides direct control over what you transfer but can be time-consuming.

Method 2: Using Google Drive’s Web Interface

  • Navigate to Google Drive and create a folder where you want your Dropbox files
  • From ‘My Drive,’ click on the ‘New’ button, then select ‘File upload’ or ‘Folder upload’ to select your downloaded Dropbox files
  • Choose the relevant files or folders from your computer and start the upload

Note: Similar to the first method, this is also more suited for smaller data volumes.

Conclusion: Using Google Drive’s interface for uploading ensures your files are organized immediately upon transfer.

Method 3: CloudMounter Application

  • Download and install CloudMounter on your computer from its official website
  • Open CloudMounter and add your Dropbox and Google Drive accounts
  • Using CloudMounter’s interface, drag and drop files from Dropbox to Google Drive

Note: CloudMounter provides a seamless transfer experience, especially for a large number of files.

Conclusion: Third-party apps like CloudMounter are incredibly handy for transferring files directly between cloud services without the need for manual downloading and uploading.

Useful info: Streamline your file access across several DropBox accounts on macOS or Windows using CloudMounter.


Precautions and Tips:

Streamline Cloud Transfers

  • Always check your internet connection to ensure a steady and reliable file transfer process
  • Regularly organize your files in Dropbox and Google Drive to avoid confusion during the transfer
  • Use the ‘batch select’ feature to move multiple files at once, saving time
  • Consider using third-party apps like CloudMounter for more massive transfers

Maximizing Cloud Efficiency

When it comes to cloud data management, optimizing the way you store and transfer files is paramount to maintaining efficiency. Cloud storage services like Dropbox and Google Drive have become staples in personal and professional environments. Beyond transferring files between these services, you can explore features such as selective sync in Dropbox or using Google Drive’s ‘Shared Drives’ for team collaboration. Moreover, embracing cloud management tools and practices can significantly enhance your cloud usage experience.

In the world of cloud computing, investing some time in understanding the features and possibilities of your chosen cloud services pays off tenfold. Consider diving into the advanced settings of these platforms to further customize your experience. And always be on the lookout for new integrations and third-party applications that can elevate your workflow.

For additional insights and resources on cloud services, the following sites are worth visiting:

  • VisitLifehacker for tips and tricks on using cloud services more efficiently.
  • The Cloudwards website is an excellent resource for comparing cloud storage options.
  • For comprehensive guides, Google Support and Dropbox Help Center provide extensive help articles and community forums.


Whether you’re moving a few files or batch transferring an entire library, choosing the right method to transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive is vital. The web interfaces of both Dropbox and Google Drive, along with third-party applications like CloudMounter, offer diverse options suited to your needs and the size of the data involved. Personal experience has shown me that, by following the outlined steps and tips, you can enjoy a smooth and efficient transition between cloud services.

Remember, transferring files between cloud platforms doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a bit of planning and the right tools, you can achieve seamless integration and synchronization across your preferred cloud storage services, maximizing productivity and collaboration in the digital world.


Yes, you can use third-party services like MultCloud to transfer photos directly from Google Drive to Dropbox without downloading them first.

Manually, you can download the photos from Google Drive and upload them to Dropbox. This is done by accessing Google Drive, selecting the photos, downloading them, and then uploading to Dropbox.

Third-party synchronization tools allow for syncing between Google Drive and Dropbox. IFTTT is one service that can create applets to automate synchronization.

Yes, whether manually or using synchronization tools, you can select specific folders and replicate their structure from Google Drive to Dropbox.

Use list or grid view in Google Drive to ensure all photos are selected for transfer, and verify the upload count in Dropbox after the process.

Stay within the Dropbox upload limitations based on your account type. Split the transfer into smaller batches if necessary.

Services like Zapier allow automation of transfers between Google Drive and Dropbox by setting up triggers and actions.

Transferring photos between services does not typically affect their quality. Download and upload the files at their original resolution.

No, you cannot directly share folders across the services. You must transfer the folder to your Dropbox and then share it from there.

Using a high-speed internet connection with a bulk transfer tool or service is the fastest method to move large quantities of photos.