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How to Access remote serial port?

How to Access remote serial port?

In the era of interconnected devices where remote access is a crucial component of system management, the ability to access COM (Communication) ports remotely is increasingly significant. This detailed tutorial draws on personal experiences and industry practices for remote COM port access, covering various methods and tools that can help you establish a connection with COM ports of a remote computer over a network. For understanding the foundational concepts of COM ports and their functionality, refer to resources like the Microsoft Developer Network.


Common Scenarios:

🔌 Routine Device Management

  • Needing remote access to interface with serial devices such as PLCs or modems.
  • Managing infrastructure where local physical access to systems is inconvenient or impractical.
  • Monitoring and controlling devices across various locations in real time.

🛠 Service and Support Tasks

  • Providing remote technical support for hardware interconnected via COM ports.
  • Performing diagnostics and troubleshooting tasks from a remote workstation.
  • Implementing firmware updates or configurations without being on-site.

🛰 Satellite Work Environments

  • Working with the industrial equipment located in remote or hard-to-reach areas.
  • Needing to manage network infrastructure deployed over wide geographical areas.
  • Accessing edge devices in IoT applications that require remote COM port communication.


Step-by-Step Guide. Serial Port Access From Windows And Linux Machine:

Method 1: Using Serial to Ethernet Converters🌐

  • Identify a compatible serial to Ethernet converter that matches your device’s specifications.
  • Install the hardware by connecting it to your serial device and to the network.
  • Configure the device using its web interface or dedicated software to set up the network parameters and serial communication settings.
  • Test the connection to verify that the COM port can be accessed remotely.
  • Integrate the converter with your remote access software or system to manage the device as needed.

Note: Ensure you have the necessary permissions and network configuration to connect to the remote device.

Method 2: Virtual COM Port Software🖥

  • Download and install Virtual COM port software like Serial to Ethernet Connector from Electronic Team or similar products.
  • Configure the software to create a virtual COM port that maps to the remote device.
  • Use the virtual COM port in any application as though it’s a local COM port on your machine.
  • Manage the remote device across the network transparently.

Note: Some solutions may require software to be installed on both the local and remote machines.

Method 3: Dedicated Serial Device Servers🖧

  • Choose a serial device server that fits your network and device requirements.
  • Install and configure the hardware on the network.
  • Access and manage the COM ports through the server’s web interface or through dedicated management software.
  • Configure port mapping and security settings as needed.

Note: Device servers often come with their own set of networking capabilities and security features.

Method 4: Remote Desktop Access🔒

  • Utilize Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or similar solutions such as VNC, TeamViewer, etc.
  • Easily access the remote system’s desktop, including devices connected to its COM ports.
  • Install and run applications on the remote system as if you were sitting in front of it.
  • Configure RDP to redirect local COM ports to the remote session when needed.

Note: This method gives full control over the remote system and may not be suitable for all security situations.

Conclusion: RDP is useful for remote device management when more than just COM port access is required.

Method 5: Command-Line Tools and Scripts🖥

  • Create or utilize existing command-line tools and scripts to interface with COM ports over a network.
  • Use tools like Putty, Telnet, or SSH to establish a network connection.
  • Write scripts to automate data transmission and device control processes.

Note: This method is more technical and requires knowledge of scripting and network protocols.


Precautions and Tips:

Safe Configuration Practices🔐

  • Always use secure networks when accessing COM ports remotely, preferring encrypted protocols to prevent data breaches.
  • Be cautious with firewall settings and port forwarding to not expose the system to unauthorized access.
  • Document your configurations and changes made for future troubleshooting and audits.


Additional Resources

Understanding remote COM port access is essential for systems administrators and IT professionals managing distributed network environments. For further information on network technologies and protocols used in remote access, explore resources like the Wireshark to analyze network traffic or the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for rigorous standards on network management protocols.

It’s also crucial to stay updated on cybersecurity practices to protect against vulnerabilities in remote access systems. Websites such as the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) offer insights into current risks and protection strategies.


By following this exhaustive guide and leveraging the appropriate methods and tools, remote COM port access can be a straightforward task that enhances your ability to manage devices across a network. Always ensure to remain vigilant about security and proper configuration to prevent unauthorized access. With the combination of the right hardware and software solutions, you’ll find the remote management of COM port devices both manageable and effective. For more detailed instructions on each tool and current industry best practices, continue exploring authoritative sources and stay attuned to the latest developments in remote access technologies.


To list available serial ports on Windows, open Device Manager, expand 'Ports (COM & LPT)', and you'll see the COM ports listed.

On Linux, use the command 'dmesg | grep tty' in the terminal to check for serial connectivity and list serial ports.

Yes, you can connect to a serial port from Windows Command Prompt by using the 'mode' command or utilizing Putty, a third-party tool.

Configure serial port settings in Windows through Device Manager by right-clicking the port, selecting 'Properties', and adjusting the settings in the 'Port Settings' tab.

Absolutely, use tools like 'screen', 'minicom', or 'picocom' in the terminal to access a serial port from a Linux machine non-graphically.

For cross-platform development, PySerial (for Python) or libserialport (a C library) can be used for serial port communication. Visit the PySerial homepage [here](

To send data over a serial port in Linux, the 'echo' command along with redirection can be used, like 'echo data > /dev/ttyS0'.

Monitor serial port communication in Linux using tools like 'socat', 'minicom', or 'gtkterm'. They provide real-time data transfer feedback.

For troubleshooting serial port issues on Windows, software such as Terminal by Bray or RealTerm can be very helpful.

Change serial port permissions in Linux by using the 'sudo chmod' command, like 'sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyS0' to grant user access.